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Revision as of 15:19, 10 March 2011 by Lewis L. Deitz (Talk | contribs)

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In mx free text OTU pages (which can be figured) are created using "content". Content can be made private (requiring login) or "published", i.e. made public. Mx includes a number of different ways to compare and visualize content, making it easy for you to check OTUs against each other, and to visualize the overall progress of your project. The basic steps to creating content are as follows:

  1. Create one more content types. For example you might create Diagnosis, Description, Distribution, and Comments. Content types can be grouped in any combination, and in as many combinations as you want in templates. You'll see two options for Content types: 1) Public? and 2) Can markup. Choosing the former will allow that category of content to be published when you ultimately make it public (note this allows you to mix temporary notes and public-viewable data in a single template), choosing the latter will allow that category to be linked against an Ontology in its public form, more on that later.
  2. Create one or more templates. Within each template you have the option to add, and order your content types. If you have many content types you can make several templates that consists of smaller numbers of subgroups, and one or more templates that consist of the complete layout that you'd like to display. Remember that Content Types and Templates are essentially layouts that can be mixed and matched however. Once your content is added for a given OTU, it will be present wherever that Content Type is included in a template. For example if you make a Content Type "Diagnosis" and in included it in two templates "Working" and "Public", then when you actually add text to that category for a given OTU that text will show up under both templates (similarly editing the text in one template will edit it in the other). A simpler way of saying this is that OTU and Content Type categories in combination must be unique, while Content Types may be used in many Templates.
  3. Once your Templates are configured with the Content Types you want you can add text (and figures) to them several different ways.
    1. Templates will show up as links on the bottom of the left column when you click on an OTU to show it. You can jump right to that template by clicking on that link.
    2. Alternatively you can click the "content" link option (also visible from showing and OTU).
      1. Click 'edit' beside the Template name to add text to a given Content Type
        1. Once text is added and saved a "Fig" link will appear at the top of the edit page, figures can be added there as elsewhere.
      2. Alternatively you can edit content in side by side comparison mode by clicking "compare 2 OTUs for 1 content type
      3. Switch the Template by changing the dropdown following "show content from template:"
    3. The third alternative is to create an OTU group, then show it.
      1. You can edit all members of that OTU group for a single content type by using the dropdown visible from OTU Group->show
      2. Finally, also from OTU Group->Show you can rapidly see what you've done, and jump to any "cell" by clicking "content grid"
        1. to load the grid chose a template from the dropdown on the top right
        2. a summary is loaded if content is existed, or an 'edit' link is provided, click and add away

"Publishing" content

in progress, the basic steps are

  1. Make the content types you want to have published public
  2. Make the actual content for a given OTU/Content type public (assumes you've added some content)
  3. Either
    1. Go to the Content tab and click "publish all" to make all publishable content published (publishes all possible content for a particular OTU or
    2. From Otu->Show->content click the 'publish (make public)' link (publishes content specific to that template only)

Cloning or Transferring content

Content can be moved from one OTU to another by copying or cloning. This allows you to, among other things, setup "shell" description, and then clone that to the various OTUs that you want to create pages for. To use:

  1. Find an OTU and show it
  2. Click "content" option on the left.
  3. Change to the template you want to clone/copy from on the right (switch template to)
    1. Important: only the content you are looking at gets transferred, if you have content under multiple templates you have to transfer each separately, or make a template that has all the content types.
  4. The bottom box on the right side lets you transfer content. It works like this
    1. If you already have content in the OTU that you are transferring *to* that content is *not* deleted, rather the the content is copied together with a short annotation indicating the merge.
    2. If you click the "delete after transfer" check box then the content, all its tags, and figures, are transferred to the new OTU, and delete from the old.
    3. If you don't click the check box the content is copied but not deleted.


  • All text in content can be marked up using Textile
  • You can link to reference in the form
<ref id="42650">foo</ref>

where id is the id of the reference, and "foo" is the text that would be displayed. You can generate these links from "Link a reference" via OTU->show->content->(choose a template)

Diacritic marks

Common diacritic marks that one may copy and paste in Content include:

Á á à Â â ã å ä Ç ç Č č É é è ê ë ę ë ğ í î ï ĭ ñ ň Ó ô õ Ö ö ŕ Ş ş Š š ţ Ú ú û Ü ü ū ý ž ż