App/otu group

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OTU groups are used for grouping OTUs together. This greatly simplifies working with a subset of the overall OTUs in the project.

Currently OTU groups may be used to:

  • Display a default list of OTUs in the OTU tab
  • Add more than one OTU to a matrix
  • Display a matrix of Sequence/Otu cells to determine if Sequence data has been completely for a group of OTUs and Genes
  • Edit multiple OTUs for a given content type
  • Show a grid of images


After creating a new OTU group you can add OTUs individually or you can add or subtract a set of OTUs from another OTU group. Note that adding or subtracting OTUs from another group is a one time operation, for instance if you add B to A, then subsequently added OTUs to group B will *not* be added to A unless B is added to A once again. This functionality is different than the dynamic interaction between groups and matrices.

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