Screen Shots

From mx Help Wiki
Revision as of 08:45, 8 February 2007 by Matt (Talk | contribs)

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This is just a small summary of the functionality, it is by no means complete.

OTU summary page.
Create and manage morphological characters.
Build taxonomic catalogs.
Tag OTUs with keywords.
Ajax based queries update in real time.
Customize content classes.
Manage sequence data.
Create and manage matrices...
... and use them in the multi-entry key engine ...
... or export them to Nexus (or tnt) formatted files.
Build illustrated bifurcating keys.
Write your taxonomic descriptions directly into mx.
Record collecting events.
Provide customized help to your users...
Create biological (or other) associations among OTUs.
Built in help (now links to a wiki).
Store your images (or link to MorphBank images!).
... and inform them about the status of the database.
Personal tools