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Revision as of 19:51, 31 December 2006 by (Talk)

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The mx wiki

'mx' (short for matrix, yes we're considering other names) is an open source collaborative content management system for revisionary systematists.

Thanks to Johan Lijleblad there is a now a basic Guide available that helps users start using the matrix-related functions of mx. That guide was originally written for a specific project, but we've translated it to a more generally applicable set of help that is now available on this wiki. The alpha version, including all of Johan's figures or replica's there of is now completely loaded to the wiki.

We've recently tied in-application help to this wiki. That help will ultimately indexed here. Until then you can access the help pages directly through though wiki-help links in the mx application. If you don't find help after clicking the wiki-help link try the old help link the application. If there is help text there feel free to copy it over to the wiki, its permanent home! We are planning that the old help link will will ultimately be revamped for project-specific help for those who want to customize comments to project members.

What's it being used for?

The mx database currently has both private and public front ends, each of which are web based. You can view a little of systems potential at the following sites:

For those interested in the source and some additional information and screenshots-

Help on using this wiki


Personal tools