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Revision as of 14:23, 1 December 2007 by Katja (Talk | contribs)

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(this page is presently under construction-November 30, 2007)

This guide is intended as a general introduction to using a multi key created in mx.

Key components: tools to help reach an identification

  • main key: a matrix based, user character choice key. Can begin an identification with any character.
  • compare : compare OTU (operational taxonomic units) with each other. Displays the characters coded for each OTU
  • compare by characters: Groups OTUs by character/character states.
  • chosen figures: Displays all of the images chosen while working through the key. A good place to review the choices already made that brought you to the present identification. Figures can be returned to the main key. When a figure is returned to the main key the character is also returned AND all of the OTUs that choice originally eliminated!
  • remaining figures: Figures not chosen so far in the identification. Can choose figures from this list and work through the key using only these figures (which represent a character state).
  • chosen states: lists the states chosen while working through the key. You can return a state to the key from this list (when you return a state to the key, you return the character, the associated figures and any OTUs choosing that character state eliminated)
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