Creating SVG for use as mx annotation overlays

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Before you can annotate images in mx, you need to draw the annotation in image illustration software. For our purposes we are using Inkscape (freeware available here: or Adobe Illustrator, but any such vector-based program with capabilities to save as an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file should work.

  • for either application, the original image must be saved (either directly by the user from, for example, a microscope-captured image or off of an image database such as MorphBank:
  • it is a good idea to record the actual dimensions of the image (which can be found by right-clicking the file and viewing the 'Properties > Details') especially when using Illustrator (as Illustrator tends to re-size the image when imported)
  • the basic idea will be that if you zero the image as a base layer in illustration software and draw an overlay highlighting the structure, the SVG code will be translated as that exact overlay in mx.

Instructions for Inkscape:

  • Open inkscape and go to 'File' > 'Import'
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