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(Krishna's notes on setting up MySQL/Mongrel/Apache2 on OS 10.3.9)
(Krishna's notes on setting up MySQL/Mongrel/Apache2 on OS 10.3.9)
Line 39: Line 39:
   sudo port install apache2
   sudo port install apache2
add the "APACHE2=-YES-" line to /etc/hostconfig as instructed
add the following line to /etc/hostconfig as instructed
added following to /etc/profile
added following to /etc/profile

Revision as of 10:26, 20 March 2007


A whiteboard for Code snippets, notes, etc. that might otherwise be lost or might be useful down the road, etc.


ruby script/console <environment>

Add a number of empty lots

$person_id = 2
$proj_id = 51
@proj = Proj.find(51)
r = 0
while r < 800 do
l = Lot.new(:otu_id => 8222, :key_specimens => 999, :rarity => "", :source_quality => "", :notes => 'Auto-created for ETOH move.')
r += 1

Krishna's notes on setting up MySQL/Mongrel/Apache2 on OS 10.3.9

this is largely based on chapter 27 of AWDwR, 2nd ed.

follow the macports installation instructions here: http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/wiki/InstallingMacPorts except i set $PATH in /etc/profile with

 export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH


 sudo port selfupdate
 sudo port install gperf

(ran into errors with "gperf: invalid option -- m" before doing this)

 sudo port install rb-termios

(crashed installing ruby, but not needed)

 sudo port install autoconf

(ran into old version issue before doing this)

 sudo port install apache2

add the following line to /etc/hostconfig as instructed


added following to /etc/profile


copied httpd.conf.example to httpd.conf added proxy section:

in httpd.conf, uncomment

 Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

and add

 <Proxy balancer://mongrel_cluster>
   # put as many members here as you have mongrels

in conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

 <VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName merced.ent.msu.edu
   ServerAdmin webmaster@dummy-host.example.com
   DocumentRoot /Users/krishna/dev/mx/trunk/public
   ErrorLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-error_log
   CustomLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-access_log common
   <Directory "/Users/krishna/dev/mx/trunk/public">
     Options FollowSymLinks
     AllowOverride None
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all
   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteRule ^/$ /index.html [QSA]
   RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [QSA]
   RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ balancer://mongrel_cluster%{REQUEST_URI} [P,QSA,L]

presuming rails and rake are installed, do:

 sudo gem install --include-dependencies termios
 sudo gem install --include-dependencies capistrano
 sudo gem install --include-dependencies mongrel
 sudo gem install --include-dependencies mongrel_cluster

Note: if capistrano hangs, try reinstalling ruby as described here: http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/2005/9/24/switchtower-on-osx

if you get 'command not found' errors, try setting the ssh env as in: http://forum.textdrive.com/viewtopic.php?id=12629

 sudo  mongrel_rails cluster::start -C /Library/Rails/mx/current/config/mongrel_cluster.yml
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