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Tags are a combination of a user defined keyword and an "object" (anything with a primary_id, such as an OTU, character, character state, coding, image, collecting event, specimen etc.) in mx. Within a tag an optional linkage to a reference and a custom notes/value field are also available. Tags are great way to group objects within mx, or communicate notes etc.

Creating tags

First need to create keyword . Once that is create that keyword can be applied anywhere where the "Tag" link is shown, including in most "list" views, but also in various other places. Clicking on "Tag" will popup a form. For a given tag the combination of keyword, object, and reference must be unique. This means that you can apply the same keyword many times each with a different reference. For example you might create many "has figure" tags for a taxon name, each with a different reference that contains a figure for that taxon.

Viewing tags

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There are several ways to view tags.

  1. Click on the "Tags" tab, all the tags are listed there. You can search by keyword in the top right, and list all by keyword (see below as well).
  2. From the keywords list you can show a given word, then click "Tags" on the menu to the left. This presents an accordion which groups similar objects.
  3. When you show a given object "Tag clouds" are variously available. Clicking on a word within the cloud will show the details for that keyword. You can delete the tag from this popup.