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Understanding Rails in general

A nice article regarding Rails from the designers standpoint.

Books, Cheat sheets, etc.

Rake tasks

There are a lot of rake tasks available for rails in general, and several for mx in particular. To see all the tasks available do

rake --tasks

Rake tasks specific to mx are in the 'mx' namespace ("mx:"). To see only those type

rake --tasks mx

Some of the most important tasks for an mx developer are those that move data in and out of the database (tasks starting with "mx:db:"). Since RAILS_ENV defaults to 'production' in our current environment.rb, you have to specify if you want to operate on the development database

rake mx:db:restore_last RAILS_ENV=development

File layout

The application follows the traditional Rails layout.

Public accessibility

There are two different approaches to making your data public. Both approaches require a layout.rhtml.

  • just use the shared public controllers
  • create a "home" controller

At present there are 3 locations where a project-specific set of public accessible files may reside:


Well try and mock up and include a basic site named 'foo' and include it in the source shortly.

Shared controllers

Controllers that sit at the base of


are shared by all projects. Controllers in


are specific to a project. In the above example 'foo' is the same as the unix-name that you give your project when you click 'settings' while logged in mx. Using a public controller is straightforward- all you need to do is point your link in your layout to that controller, for instance you could add something like this to your layout:

 <td class="menu" valign="top">
   <a href="http://your_url.blah/public/ref/list_by_author">references</a>
   <a href="http://your_url.blah/public/ref">bibliography</a>
   <a href="http://your_url.blah/public/taxon_name/browse?family=">taxa</a>
   <a href="http://your_url.blah/public/repository">repositories</a>
   <a href="http://your_url.blah/public/taxon_name">search</a>
   <a href="http://your_url.blah/public/clave">keys</a>
   <a href="http://your_url.blah/site/evaniid/about_authors.html">about</a>
   <a href="http://your_url.blah">home</a>

In the above example the controllers that you are accessing are prefixed with public. For instance


are all shared controllers.

You'll also notice that some links have


following the URL. These are links static html files that are found in


The 'home' controller

If you want a little more control or customization you can create a home_controller.rb file in


With this approach you can essentially ignore the


folder, instead placing all layout files, static or otherwise in


A home_controller.rb file for a project with unix name 'foo' and might look something like this:

 class Public::Site::Foo::HomeController < ApplicationController
   layout 'public/site/Foo/layout'
   def index
     # grab some random images to display on our hompage
     @ids = ImageDescription.random_set(1, 3, 1)
   def about
    # these actions simply render the file in the given layout with the same name, for example:
    # /app/views/public/site/foo/about.rhtml
    # would be rendered calling this link
   def links
    # see above
   def keys
     # here we grab information from project 1
     redirect_to "/projects/1/public/clave/list"
   def images
     redirect_to "/projects/1/public/image/list"
   def taxon_pages
     redirect_to "/projects/1/public/public_content/list"
   def association
     # and here we grab information from project 4
     redirect_to "/projects/4/public/association"

How To Scenarios

How To Scenarios is a place to post specific questions, answers and tips that may be helpful for other developers